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Writer's pictureOcen Chris


This is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy and typically goes away after delivery of the baby, however women who have had this disease are most likely to develop the type 2 diabetes later in life.

This type of diabetes usually occurs from 4 months to later of pregnancy.


The causes of this gestational diabetes are not clearly known but some factors may put a pregnant woman at a risk of getting it and below are some of the factor;

  • Obesity, women who have over weight due to excess body fat which at the long run causes insulin resistance.

  • Previous history of gestatrional diabetes

  • Women who get pregnant at age of over 35years are at risk because of the hormone changes ,insulin resistance, and other health conditions since their immune system becomes weak  with age.

  • Carrying a pregnancy of more than one baby .this leads to increases placental mass which produces more hormones which causes insulin resistance etc.

  • Women who have been delivering  big babies weighing 5kg and above.

  • Family history .inheritance of the diabetes from the  parents or grandparents to the offspring’s.

  • Pre diabetes, this are women who have high glucose levels than the normal and it’s a warning sign that you are at a risk of getting type 2 diabetes .

  • Smoking, both passively and actively.

  • Diet, consuming high carbohydrates and calorie.

  • Other medical conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol etc.

  • Having history of delivering a baby who has already died in the womb.

  • Physical inactivity, such sedentary life style, not engaging in physical exercise.


However many women who have developed this diabetes may or may not experience any noticeable symptoms and that’s why regular pre natal for checkups and screening tests are essential for its detection and management.

  • Increased thirst, high blood sugar levels  cause glucose to spill in the urine leading to increased  urine production and  the body tries to dilute the it by pulling water from the tissues hence causing thirst.

  • Increased  hunger .due to insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels leading to poor glucose uptake in the cell where by the body thinks it needs more energy  hence  triggering hunger.

  • Frequent  urination.

  • When there high blood sugars, the kidneys try to flush out the excess glucose by producing more urine.

  • Fatigue.

  • Insulin resistances and high blood sugar levels lead to poor glucose uptake in the cells that is needed for energy.

  • Slow healing  of cuts and wounds due damage on the blood vessels and nerves causing reduced blood flow  and oxygen delivery impairing wound healing.

  • Recurring vaginal ,bladder  or skin infections due to weaken immune system and so the bacteria and fungi thrive in the high glucose environments.

  • Unexplained weight loss due to high break down of muscles and fats for energy.

  • Fluctuating blood pressure.

  •  When the blood vessels get damaged they are inflamed, and narrow.

  • Blurred vision.

  • High sugars cause the fluid to shift into the lens of the eye, changing its shape and affecting focus due to the swelling of the cornea leading to blurred vision.


Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet due to inflammation and damage of the nerve fibers  causing tingling, numbness and burning sensation in the feet and hands.


Women who experience the above are requested to consult or visit a health provider of their comfort such that they are treated or managed comprehensively to prevent its complications such as;

  • Monitoring on their  life style such as diet, regular exercise ,weight management.

  • Blood glucose  i.e. regular testing for ketones ,and blood sugars.

  • Insulin therapy if life style modification are not effective.

  • Oral medication if insulin is not suitable.


The complications can be prevented by;

  1. Early detection and treatment  by attending  pre natal and antenatal care though screening.

  2. Effective blood  sugar  glucose control  by life style modifications and medical treatment to reduce the risk of high blood pressure making vaginal delivery impossible hence caesarian section.

  3. Regular fetal and maternal monitoring through antennal checkups to reduce risk of death of the baby and  the mother.

  4. However if these women are not managed and treated comprehensively they are most likely to develop the complications below.

Mother’s complications

  • High blood pressure, urine in blood, swelling of the face, feet  or the whole body during pregnancy.  

  • Gestational hypertension.

  • Delivery of the baby by operation because the baby is too big, or the mothers condition cannot enable her to deliver normally.

  • Risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

  • Increased risk of  heart diseases and stroke.


Baby’s complications

  • Excessive birth weight

  • Future risk of developing obesity  and type 2 diabetes

  • Increased risk of heart defects and other body parts being abnormal both in its function and structure.

  • Yellowing of the mucus and the skin leading to brain damage

  • Breathing difficulties after birth.


It’s of importance for every woman with or without diabetes in pregnancy to work closely with their healthcare providers to manage their health condition and prevent complications.

With comprehensive care, many women with these diabetes can have a healthy pregnancy and deliver healthy babies.

Book your appointment to know your health status with Clinison team on 0704007172/ 0763172308 or visit our website.

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